Thursday, August 20, 2009

Maher Shalal Hash Baz

I'm a big fan of a bunch of Japanese rock bands. Miminokoto, Fushitsusha, and Musica Transonic in particular achieve this ecstatic guitar greatness that I really crave. I had heard of this band called Maher Shalal Hash Baz here and there, but I never listened to them. Now, thanks to Mutant Sounds I finally gave them a listen. They don't pull off the guitar pyrotechnics associated with Keiji Haino, Kawabata Makoto, or Munehiro Narita, but they do something else totally amazing and just as awe-inspiring as the other Japanese bands I love. For me, their music is endlessly fascinating and beautiful. I've been listening to Return Visit to Rock Mass the last couple days while noodling along on my guitar. It's perfect for that.

Also, check out this incredible picture of John Dwyer, one of the non-Japanese ecstatic guitar heroes of our time. His project Thee Oh Sees is one of my favorite bands currently making music.

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